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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Self Reflections


I've found myself complaining too much about the weather and the heat.  Couldn't there be something worse than the hot weather for me to worry about?  I find it so trivial since the unraveling of the latest current events.  It's making me ponder some of the things that I'm more grateful for, such as life, friends, love, family, and just the little things.  We all take certain things for granted, and its time I start to realize what I do have that I should just be thankful for.  And I should try not to be caught up in cynicism.  I'm very cynical by nature but most people should know to take what I say with a grain of salt. 


Anyways, those were some of my more deeper thoughts from the day.  My other thoughts of the day included how the heck do I expect myself to clean out my closet, if I can never get motivated enough to do so.  Or, what should I make for dinner that will only take about 10 minutes? (answer to that one included ordering a pizza) or what seems to be making my dog Starla so sad lately?  She seriously hasn't been the same since she ate that butter.  She's still recovering and its been two weeks now.  She has about another week of antibiotics and then she goes back to her checkup.

Thanks for letting me ramble about stuff that has remotely nothing to do with my outfit.  I just wore what I felt comfortable in for the day and let the clothes speak for themselves, I guess.  But I do want to give a shout out to the maker of the cute antique coin ring, MaieDae.  This ring is a lot of fun, and I love the vintage quality to it.


Dress, Blog Shop
Vintage Hat, Thrifted
Flats, UO
Coin Ring, MaieDae
Fox Ring, Romwe
Plarn Bag, Plarn it All