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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Enough with the Rain Already!

Sorry for the indoor post, but it's just too wet to take my pictures outside. The whole yard is flooded and gross. It'll be better by tomorrow I hope, but I'm sure it will rain again.

So on to the outfit! If you haven't noticed, I have a love affair with cardigans. I love them as much as I love tights in the winter. They are the most useful of clothing items my wardrobe, since I'm so prone to uncomfortably cold environments. I used to think I had a problem and I was using my cardigans as a crutch. I was afraid I was creating a fashion rut, but the more I thought about it, the more I realize that as long as I find different ways to style them, then I'll evoke creativity in some shape or form.

On to the outfit:
cardigan, Macy's($5) skirt, thrifted($1) tank, Forever21($2.50) heels, TJmaxx($20)