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Friday, October 1, 2010

What's in My Bag!

I've been meaning to do something like this, just for the fun of it. I am especially nosy to find out what's in other people's bag. I remember getting my hand slapped by my mom everything I tried to see what secrets she kept in her purse. In retrospect it was probably because there were tampons in there and she didn't want to explain the "You'll Become a Woman When..." when I was only 6 years old. Hahaha...My mom totally reads this blog and will most likely be giving me a call when she's done reading this!!

IMG_4575's the run down on what I keep in my bag!

1. Magazine clip outs that inspire me.
2. My planner for work
3. Yellow Keys for work
4. Owl Wallet (found at a cute little boutique in Brooklyn)
5. My Asthma medicine...can't leave home without it.
6. Burts Bee lip balm
7. Huge Lips Skinny Hips lipgloss...Thanks Jasmine!!!
8. Home-made lip balm from Bed and Breakfast
9. Fancy key chain for my home
10. My cell phone

There you have it!!


  1. I always love these posts :)It's so fun to see what other people carry around! Have a great weekend :)


  2. Ha ha...Molly borrowed my Coach clutch and left the contents on the bed (didn't take a photo): old Kleenix(unused), lip balm, Moleskine notebook, pen, and an angel talisman.

  3. aww hehe you carry the lipgloss i gave you :) that's so cool how you carry your inspiration around or that you even have an inspiration book. i need to get to that...!

  4. So I was super inspired by that same exact page in the last issue of ELLE, too! I love the "romantic" denim outfit that was put together. I want that ruffle chambray blouse SOO bad!

    It was so interesting to see what you carry around in your purse! Everyone's a little but differnet :)
