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Friday, November 25, 2011



I hope all my US readers had a very lovely Thanksgiving!!!!  I love this holiday for so many reasons!!!!

Reason #1--Time to reflect on things you're thankful for.
Reason #2--Family Time!!
Reason #3--Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Reason #5--Christmas music, movies, and decorations


Oh and a tidbit about my outfit.  I think every woman should own a skirt that has a least 4 colors splattered onto it in various patterns.  This skirt is a newly thrifted item and it's made with a pretty brocade fabric plus it can match practically every color of tights that I have!!!  What else can make getting dressed easier? 


Oh and for the record, I did not eat tofurkey, in case anyone was interested.  It just looks terrible!!!  I did however eat my fair share of sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn and beans, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.  Twas delish.  I wish there were more holidays that were centered around mounds of food, friends and family!!!


Blouse, Re-fashioned Dress
Skirt, Thrifted
Tights, JC Penney
Booties, Target
Belt, Target
Bracelets, Leather Craftsmen