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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Doom Storm


It looked like another storm was heading straight our way, only this time it was allowing tornadoes to brew. So what do I do? As soon as I get home from work, I grab Zach and make him start taking my photos with the impending doom storm just right behind me. It was very cool looking, and just as soon as we were finished shooting pics, was the rain really started to come down.



And just because we're two crazy kids, we decided to leave to head out to a networking happy hour, during that crazy storm. We ended up at the Boot and met up with some friends for drinks and dinner. As we were sitting there waiting for our food (a whole hour!) the rain was just coming down like crazy! Like flooded crazy! What should've taken us 3 minutes to get home, ended up taking 20 because we kept finding ourselves in flooded out streets! People's cars were stuck everywhere, with hazard lights flashing, and the worst was a car was flooded up to it's roof in an underpass! This all happened within 1 1/2 hours!


Ok, so enough with the weather drama! I'll go ahead and talk about my Remix Number 18! First off, I'm getting a little worried about trying to recreate more outfits, since I still have 12 more to go, but I'll do some brainstorming over the weekend. I decided to turn my white dress into a skirt, tucked into my floral blouse and then belted it tight with my bow belt.


And if you wondering if I wore my white dress (worn as a skirt) to dinner....I didn't. I was pretty sure this would turn completely see-through if it got soaked. And I did get soaked! Everyone in this fancy little restaurant were drenched in rain soaked clothes and dripping hair. It was quite comical!

Dress (worn as skirt ) H&M ($30)
Floral blouse, Thrifted ($3)
Belt, Forever21 ($3)
Shoes, UO ($28)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Enjoying the View


With the impending rain storm that appeared to be coming, I had to nix my ideas for shooting today and use the fire escape at my apartment. This was fine, since the fire escape has such a great view for stormy weather. I just make sure to step off the metal fire escape when I see lightening. I rather like these shots actually. The roughness of the rusty iron really contrasts with my outfit and gives it a different look then I was initially looking for.




The is Number 17 for the remix. This shirt is really awesome and I'm so excited that I have remixed it into so many outfits. It went really well with the chambray skirt and I was loving the simplicity of adding accents of black to the outfit. It made getting dressed this morning very easy.


Oh and here's a sad fact. I've worn these Urban Outfitters shoes so many times in the month and a half I've had them, that they are completely worn through the sole. I can not begin to tell you how absolutely sad I am about this! They have been the most comfortable and cute shoes and I really can't live without a pair of black flats. So I may have to break my no shopping stance and pick up a pair from a thriftstore or something. At least for my job's sake. All I would have left are a few pair of flat sandals and that is a complete no-no in the bank.

Shirt, UO ($10)
Skirt, H&M ($10)
Belt, Forever21 ($3)
Shoes, UO ($28)
Necklace, Vintage ($14)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dang This Heat Spell!


It's been a while, since I've logged into my blogger. It's only been since Thursday, but that's like an eternity to me. Truth be told, it is so hot in our apartment right not and the thought of having a blazing hot laptop on me, doesn't suit me well at all. And as you can see I've done my remix number 16 with the same shorts I've been sporting week after week. These shorts have been my saving grace with this 30 for 30 challenge. I can not begin to tell you how crazy hot it's been in southern Virginia. We've been struggling with this heat wave for far too long, and I'll be so happy to finally have some relief from it all. Just a couple of 80 degree days is all I ask.



This heat has also caused me to have quite a scare the other day. It was 105 degrees without heat index and my father decided to try and mow the backyard. I don't understand why he would choose to do something like that, but he tries very hard to keep the yard looking neat, so I guess he figured if he did it earlier in the day it would be fine. That wasn't the case. My dad pushed himself too hard and ended up collapsing on the kitchen floor, scaring the crap out of my mom. It took him a minute to come around, but he had no idea that he fell and doesn't remember anything about it. So yeah, it's that hot around here.



Other than all that, everything is fine. I'm preparing my Mad Men party today and I couldn't be more excited! I found an awesome 60s chip and dip server, a retro oj pitcher, and other little cute do dads to decorate the apartment. And for all you Mad Men obsessed fans out there, I will definitely be serving UTZ potato chips. Ya know, because "Utz are better than nuts!" Oh and there will most definitely be Old Fashions and mock tails.

Blouse, Thrifted ($4)
Shorts, Target ($20)
Sandals, Ross ($13)
Sunnies, Forever21 ($2)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Down By the River


Alrighty, I am half way through the 30 for 30 challenge, and I can't believe it! You'd be so proud of me today! I had a half day from work yesterday and resisted the urge to head to the mall or thriftstores and instead picked up my vintage skirt from the tailors, which is included in the 30 for 30 challenge. After that? Well I spent the day reading my blogroll, making brownies, napping, and watching Arrested Development....PS Love that show!




So last night Zach and I had plans to see Inception, but Zach wasn't really feeling in the mood to go to the movies, so instead we went to dinner, ate vegetarian burritos and corn salsa then headed up to the Hague to walk along the water. It was hot as hell, so we had to wrap it up early, but before I turned back to the car I spent some time taking area shots while Zach headed back. Meanwhile, some guy on a scooter saw me by myself and decided to honk insistently at me and then goes "Ichiwawa!!" I almost dropped to my knees laughing at him, and Zach got to see the whole thing. It was priceless.



Alright, so on to fashion. Here is my favorite skirt, once again. I am so happy that I put this in my 30 for 30 closet. It's been a lifesaver since it's neutral and it goes with so many things. And the fact that it's a light weight fabric is even better! I'm wondering how I can best mix this into my fall/winter looks. And the rest of it just fell into place, once again. And check out my cougar necklace. Seriously one of my favorite necklaces. My co-worker sold it to me after she proclaimed she had tons of jewelry to sell.


Tank, UO ($10)
Skirt, Thrifted ($5)
Shoes, Thrifted ($4)
Necklace, co-worker ($3)
Cardigan, H&M ($5)
Belt, Vintage ($2)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Positivity All Around!

remix 14d

This no shopping part of the 30 for 30 challenge is starting to get to me! Almost without a thought I wanted to head to the thriftstore on my lunch break to find a new cognac belt! Of course I reminded myself, but I was a tad bummed. It'll be okay though. I'm tough enough to carry on! So instead I decided to make myself a wish list of all the fun fall clothes I'm looking forward to wearing!




I'm actually having a pretty good outlook on life lately. I need to start thinking more positively about myself and others. I know for myself, I will get into funks and I'm no fun to be around sometimes. What really helps is just clearing my head and doing stuff to distract me from anything negative or depressing. That means having more quality time with my hubby, hanging out with friends, and trying to find the good in work.

remix 14


Alright, so we are now on remix number 14 and I'm really digging this outfit. I love my white jeans so much! They are probably the most flattering pair of jeans I own and I still can't believe they were at the thriftstore. These are my one and only pair of "expensive" jeans. Paper Denim and Cloth are pretty pricey jeans, so when I found these with the tags still attached at Goodwill I nearly had a heart attack. And they were only $6! Pretty awesome!

Blouse, Target ($10)
Jeans, Thrifted ($6)
Shoes, Thrifted ($4)
Necklace, Fred Flare (gift)
Bracelet, Loemahns ($12)
Bag, UO ($20)

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Red Striped Shirt!


Yesterday was my busy busy day, so I went ahead and remixed a casual outfit for my 13th look. I am loving that I decided to put my striped red shirt in the mix. It already goes great with so many things so I know it will take me far in fall. I am already thinking about getting more like it. I'll just need to take another 2 hour trip to Urban Outfitters...hehehe.




So I was super busy cleaning my apartment all day Sunday, for my super cool Mad Men party I'll be having next Sunday. I did a major clean down, since I knew I'd be spending most of weekend trying to figure out my outfit and hairstyle. Anyways, I also found time to hang out with my hubby and our friend at a yummy pizza place, go to the park for fun, and then head to my friend's new place to help paint the bathroom. So yeah, pretty busy!




But the time I took out for looking for a new backdrop for pictures was a fun hunt. We stumbled across a cute little park with the biggest tree I've ever seen in this neighborhood! I had fun climbing around on the tree with Zach taking my photos. The top photo is one of my faves! I may even use it for my facebook page..hehehe...

BDG Top, UO ($10)
Shorts, Target ($20)
Shoes, Thrifted ($4)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy Times for the Weekend!


Wow, it has been a good 48 hours since I've been at the computer! That's near impossible for me, but I've been so busy! Friday night was supposed to be spent lounging around the house watching tv and just being totally relaxed. Instead my friend surprised me with a ticket to see Jack Johnson with her! It was pretty much an amazing vibe. Very fun, very calm, everybody was getting along. My only complaint was that he played too much of his new album, and I'm more partial to his older stuff. But other than that, it was a terrific time. Meanwhile, our husbands were tiling and putting up lights in her new condo. But they were happy and buzzed on beer, so they were having just as much fun.




Then Saturday was spent going to Ikea! God I love that place! It was a sort of last minute trip, so I didn't have enough time to save the amount of money I normally take with me to Ikea. All I got was a toilet brush, pretty napkins for my Mad Men party, and cabinet liners. Oh and a cute little tent for my puppy. I think I left Ikea with the lowest bill possible! The girls I went with got all kinds of cute things, and I was a little green with envy that I couldn't run out of that place with $300 worth of stuff, but eh! Hopefully next time!



My remix number 12 wasn't without challenges. It was easy to put the outfit together, but when I put together a romper with a skirt and then belted it, I didn't realize that it would take me 15 minutes to go to the bathroom..hahahaha...I totally forgot how cumbersome those rompers are!

Romper (as top) Thrifted ($5)
Skirt, H&M ($10)
Cardigan, H&M ($5)
Belt, H&M ($5)
Shoes, UO ($28)
Bracelet, Vintage ($4)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Date Night


What could be better than dinner at a farmer's markets, frozen yogurt, and a movie? Last night was such a nice hangout with Zach. Even though you live with someone, sometimes you take the time you spend with each other for granted. I can't count how many times Zach and I are in the same room and don't say a word because we are both preoccupied with computers. So last night we headed out for dinner to the farmer's market and met a couple of friends. Then when we got back from dinner we took our little doggie out for a walk to get frozen yogurt. It was so nice to actually spend some quality time with my husband.




And Zach and I usually like to use our Thursday nights as stay in nights. Sometimes we just lay around on the couch and bore ourselves with crappy tv, but since our cable wasn't working, we decided to turn it into date night and finally watch the Netflix movie we've had sitting around for a week. The movie was a sort of fake documentary called Paper Hearts. It was such a cute movie with lots of interviews with married/dating couples who were in love. It was very interesting to see how each couple defined their love.



Ok, well here's my outfit for remix number 11! I wore my favorite crinkle skirt over my tunic and then cinched it tight with a belt. The belt is tight, because it may be a size too small, but I've learned my lesson and won't do that again. Wearing a tight belt across your waist is the equivalent to wearing a tight corset. It was highly uncomfortable, but I did like the look. Like they say, Fashion is Pain. On second thought, I'd rather be chic and comfortable, so that belt may have to find it's way to the donation pile.

H&M Tunic, Thrifted ($3)
Skirt, Thrifted ($5)
Shoes, UO ($28)
Belt, H&M ($5)
Bracelet, Vintage ($4)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Abundance of Crepe Myrtles


So it's not a coincidence I'm standing under this tree. The pink of the crepe myrtles matched my belt near perfectly, so I had to stand under them! Today I remixed my lace blouse from Friday into something a little more Audrey Hepburn inspired. These cropped pants are some of my favorite pants in the whole world! Like seriously! They go with just about everything, they don't give me a muffin top when I tuck in my shirts, and the length really elongates my legs. I'm sure everyone has that special something in their wardrobe that makes them feel like a million bucks.




And if it seems like I'm taking all my pictures by crepe myrtles, it's only because you can't escape them. Someone had the bright idea to plant them along every street in Ghent. It's nice that the blossoms line the streets in a pretty fashion, but when the blossoms fall on your car and dry onto it during the hot's not so pretty. I'm starting to look forward to seeing them go away, so I can finally give my car a good car wash..haha.



Lace blouse, Thrifted ($4)
Black Cropped Pants, Old Navy ($10)
Pink Belt, Vintage ($2)
Bag, UO ($20)
Shoes, UO ($28)