My friend 'D' is an antique freak. She finds the greatest stuff. I told her that I think her house looks like an estate sale (but that was meant as a compliment). Well today we decided to take a trip to the Eastern Shore, Va to pick up a tandem bicycle she had on hold and then drag our friend 'L' to come shopping with us. 'D' and I could shop for hours, but 'L' isn't too into that. Anyways, it ended up being a fun day and when we get together it's just one big laugh fest.
Here's what I wore. It's still really wet outside so I kept it simple but the belt kinda jazzed up the outfit.
I came away with a few things. A pillbox hat, an 1960s alarm clock, vintage heels, 2 brooches, and an awful, but super cool ash tray that I plan on using just for decoration. I'll post pics of these things tomorrow since the lighting will be better. We finally get to see some sun!
Taken from the wardrobe was:
black tee, H&M ($7) blue cardi, thrifted ($3) jeans, thrifted ($4) black flats, kmart ($5) belt, thrifted ($6)