Today I decided needed to be a dress day. I've been stuck in jeans for two days now, because it was just more practical. Friday and Saturday were definitley not, "let's go get my outfit pictures taken!" kind of days. So I woke up really early this morning, took a shower, and threw on my pretty blue swiss dot dress. It was so pretty and warm outside so I had to take the dogs for a walk to Panera!
Oh, did I say dogs?
As if the weekend couldn't get any better, we are having the opportunity to watch our friend's dog, Fox, which happens to be Starla's best friend. It is hilarious watching them run around and go bonkers with each other. And their cuteness is enough to melt my heart.
Dress, Thrifted ($5) Caridigan, NYandCo ($10) Purse, Liz Claiborne outlet ($15) Keds, DSW ($20)
That is so sweet of you to offer! If you want I could pay shipping or something. Let me know through email.
I don't want everyone up in our shit.