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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pink and Pagoda

swapped skirt

I've been meaning to take a little trip to this hidden gem in our neighborhood for a while.  Why there is a giant Pagoda just hiding in Norfolk, is beyond me but here's the cool part?  It's a gift from Taiwan to the City of Norfolk and it's a restaurant!  And no, it's not an Asain restaurant either.  They serve whatever food they want to serve on any given day.  It's definitley a different type of atmosphere.

mustard tee

black steve madden wedges

Because of the picturesque nature of our location, you can guarentee that there will always be runners, dog walkers, and photographers in and around the area.  We dodged many a lurker while taking photos.  We're all here for the same reason so we all just do our own thing and leave each other bee.  And try our best to not ruin someone else's shot.  Lord knows I would've gone postal if someone else's flash washed me out!! heehee.. no I wouldn't;)


jean jacket

pink skirt

And my outfit was definitley on the brighter side.  I loved the vibrant pink in this skirt that Emily lent me and I wanted to boost up the brightness with my yellow top.  One of my co-workers made a comment that I was like a burst of sunshine.  The outfit did end up making me feel like I was spreading sunshine happy vibes to everyone!  It's cool how outfits do that for you, huh?

forever21 sunglasses

NYandCo Top, Thrifted
Pink Skirt, Swap with Emily
Belt and Sunnies, Forever21
Steve Madden Wedges, Thrifted
Necklace, Gift from Co-worker
Jean Jacket, Gap